

现在,拥有iLoud Micro Monitor,无论随时随地都能听见音乐中的真实。世界上最小的有源录音室参考级监听音箱系统,iLoud Micro Monitor给您提供超精准的线性频率响应,没有音染的声音,并且可以在每个收音环境使用。声音听起来如此优秀,这是真的吗?

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iLoud Micro Monitors是2个极度便携,高性能的双功放音箱,提供了一个组合50W RMS功率适用于低音、充足动态余量与立体声声像扩展。无论是在录音、编辑、混音或音频母带处理,iLoud Micro Monitor确保混音将很好的转化为庞大的各类消费电子设备 — 耳机、家庭立体声系统、游戏机、汽车音响系统、TV以及其他听音系统。

带上iLoud Micro Monitor,无论是混音或在家听着最爱的歌曲都将在音乐之中聆听真实。最重要的是,它为每一位在适合的价位上提供了便携性、灵活性与功能性。



当原版的iLoud蓝牙音箱发布时,它设置了一个全新适用于便携功率与声波准确度的标准。一如其广受欢迎的前身,iLoud Micro Monitor的设计经过自然演变,提供了全新无与伦比的便携听音体验。iLoud Micro Monitors专为小的临时的工作空间设计——卧室工作室、小型录音棚、甚至旅游巴士或酒店房间。

它的两个音箱通过超级D类功放器推动并达到总额为50W RMS功率。每个音箱装备了一个3/4” 丝膜球顶高音单元,一个3”高硬度定制复合材料低音单元和一个大型前推低音反射端口,低音能够惊人的下潜到55Hz(-3dB),做到此类音箱中的最好。这些功能提供了令人喜爱的高频、异常“开放”的中频和结实的、受控制的低频让它的声音非常有特色。简单而言,iLoud Micro Monitor的声音十分优秀,您几乎不可想象能在这种规格的扬声器系统与价位下获得。

Sonically transparent

iLoud Micro Monitor听声优秀真实。这是如何做到的?其中一部分得益于其内部56-bit数字信号处理器(DSP)。这个DSP处理了频率并调整监听的响应,同时管理着动态频率让驱动一直处于可控状态。它同样扮演了一个数字分频的角色让驱动之间的转换特别顺滑。


除了原有的黑色款,iLoud Micro Monitor现在也推出了白色款。您可以根据您的家或工作室的色调来选择最匹配的颜色


Ideal for small studios

当处理音频的时候,多数家庭录音室不能提供一个理想的空间,通常是桌子上摆着一个电脑,音箱摆在墙边。大多数音箱不是专门为这样的小空间环境设计,所以使用时听起来有嗡嗡声,声音不清晰,iLoud Micro Monitors却是专门为这些充满挑战的“小房间”环境设计的参考级音箱。

iLoud Micro Monitor占用空间小节省桌面空间,可放置在离耳朵较近的地方从而减少声音在室内的反射。此外,内部的DSP提供多种均衡器设置,优化低音和高音响应以及位置补偿——可以毫不费力的在“自由场”和“桌面”设置间切换。

也可以把iLoud Micro Monitor放置在两个倾斜的角度,其综合隔离底座保证了进一步的机械去耦合和声音的纯净。这些功能能够优化你的听音体验,调整符合你房间的特性,使你总是可以轻松得到声音的甜点。



iLoud Micro Monitors同样有一个集合麦克风线架功能(UNC 3/8”-16),使你能容易的把它们放置“在空中”如同任何普通的麦克风支架一般,不用额外购买昂贵的配件就能为你提供最好的监听环境。


除了您选择的2个SE/CE主题软件外,iLoud Micro Monitor还在注册时为您提供T-RackS 5 Metering Suite计量套件。这个可用于专辑的套件为您提供精确的峰值、RMS和动态范围仪表、频谱图、实时分析仪、相位和相关仪表等。这是一套管理音频素材所有方面的工具,具有参考级精确性。这个方便的插件可以插入母带总线或任何单个轨道,因此您的计量与您的监听一样专业。

iloud Micro Monitor


谈到小型音箱,传统上只有两种选择——便宜和“符合预算”的音箱,这两种可以被描述成为一对带有“所谓的”扬声器的“木箱”,通常价格在$100-$200(每对)之间,或者高质量的音箱,价格在$600-$700(每对)之间。然而,iLoud Micro Monitor给你提供了顶级音箱的功能和特性(声波的准确性,清晰度强,参考-反应、双功放音箱系统、DSP控制、定位均衡器、综合隔离底座),以及平易近人的价格。现在当你在小录音室空间内工作时,无需特性与成本之间的平衡就可以聆听音乐的完美表现力。


您可以轻松与所有喜爱的装备配合iLoud Micro Monitor使用。 发送音频信号至音箱变得不能更简单。它不仅拥有RCA与1/8”输入接口,还可通过蓝牙连接至任意支持蓝牙功能的设备。 拥有所有的输入接口,您将使用其超线性声音用于监听音乐,无论您在哪或是使用什么设备

iLoud MM


因为iLoud Micro Monitors是世界上最小、也最轻(1.7kg / 60.7oz)的音箱,现在无论你去哪,都可以随身带着这个真正的参考级音箱系统。


专门设计iLoud Micro Monitor旅行包

如需携带iLoud Micro Monitor外出,我们还专门为您设计了这款iLoud Micro Monitor旅行包,不仅便于您携带而且能够更好的保护您的iLoud ,100%聚酯纤维面料,经久耐用,印有iLoud Micro Monitor的标志,可以调节背带长度,还专门设计有可放置连接线及其它一些小物件的口袋。

尺寸: 11.8" (30cm) x 7.8" (20cm) x 7.1" (18cm)

马上订购这款iLoud Micro Monitor旅行包!




  • 先进的56位DSP数字控制,可控衍射/低共振外壳和时间校准分频,输送优秀的超线性频率响应音频。
  • 强大的D类双功放系统(50W RMS) 提供大量快如闪电般的瞬态响应动态余量。
  • 高硬度定制复合材料低音单元加上大耀斑低音反射端口,产生“一流的”低音响应,低音能够下潜到55Hz。
  • 优质低音单元和高音单元,如同高端系统一样,却不必花费昂贵的价钱。


  • 拥有高品质录音棚参考监听系统的小机身。
  • 可在任何地点使用— 在小空间给你提供高清晰度监听。
  • 相比其它产品可放置在更近的距离,减少房间反射和驻波的影响。
  • 第一款可随身携带的监听系统。


  • 桌面或音箱上的可选择的均衡器校正和可调节的综合绝缘底座的布局优化您的设置。
  • 无需额外配件,即可在自动声场安装普通麦克风支架。
  • 可与1/8”立体声耳机孔和RCA输入进行有线连接,用于录音、混音和母带处理。
  • 无线蓝牙连接,让你随时随地尽享音乐。

Super near-field

Most project and home studios are small — typically rooms under 42 cubic meter /1500 cubic feet — or about the size of a typical bedroom. When working in such small spaces, a small monitor system performs better and gives you a more accurate representation of your mixes than large ones because smaller systems don’t provide strong reverberating fields and prevent standing waves from building up in the room especially on the low end causing unnatural frequency response, and that’s very important. Smaller monitors, when designed correctly, provide the best sound for your small space.

Why? For starters, small nearfield monitors allow you to sit much closer to the sound source at lower sound pressure level (SPL), so they can be heard directly by the ears without the reflections produced by walls, ceilings or other items in the room — these reflections will inevitably color the sound in an unreliable and unrealistic way.


Also small monitors can be placed nearer to each other – ideally within an equilateral triangle, with the 2 monitors and the listener at each vertex - without compromising the stereo image, a typical situation when working using a computer or a laptop on a desk, and the exact situation you’ll encounter in large pro studios where listeners are placed directly in the “sweet spot.”

With the smallest footprint in the world for a reference monitor, iLoud Micro Monitors can be placed reliably in the smallest possible spaces without compromising a truly professional monitoring situation and ensuring you are hearing the truth of your music.

Here are 5 reasons why iLoud Micro Monitors are better than other monitors — including mid-size monitors — when it comes to producing music in your small studio:

1. Position EQ Switches

Small studios rely on small tables/desks typically attached to or positioned against the wall. In addition to the obvious issue of lack of space on small table for mid-sized monitors, a 5”/6” studio monitor in these conditions will sound extremely “boomy” and undefined. Add this to the midrange “dip” typically found on the budget monitors and the sonic picture will be totally compromised.
To get a barely listenable response from a 5 or 6” monitor when placed on a desk that is attached to the rear wall, the monitor needs to be moved away from the wall by at least 20-30 cm.
This plus the monitor depth itself will take up the entire working space on a regular desk.

iLoud Micro Monitors have a response that is calibrated to sound flat on a desk even when there is a very close wall behind. This is controlled with the EQ switches on the rear of the unit. You can set these switches according to where your monitors are placed. Also the total depth of iLoud Micro Monitor is only 13-14 cm giving you the space you need to put them away from the rear wall without taking up valuable table space.


2. Woofer/Tweeter small distance

Medium sized monitors have at least 15-20cm (5.9–7.8”) distance between the centers of the woofer and tweeter. The typical short distance between the monitors and your ears in a small studio will not be in the “sweet spot” where the two drivers blend completely, presenting you with an incomplete audio picture. Therefore “decisions” you make on the sound program that is monitored are very difficult to make because the sound appears to be coming from two separated sources, the woofers and the tweeters, instead of one “convergence point” that provides a focused representation of your sound.

iLoud Micro Monitors have the centers of the two drivers at only 6 cm (2.3”) distance which puts their convergence point very close — starting at 50 cm (19.6”), a typical distance when placing the monitors beside a laptop. This provides a very focused and clear sound at shorter distances from the source making them the best option for small studio spaces. This short distance and ultra-accurate blending of sources immensely facilitates mix decisions and sound shaping.


3. Small, quality woofer sound better

In reality, you never need ultra high sound pressure levels in a small studio, and for this reason you don’t need a big woofer. iLoud Micro Monitor’s small 3” woofer can go down to 55Hz (-3dB) because of proper tuning of the enclosure and appropriate DSP management. But not all woofers sound the same. Different woofer materials affect the performance of the monitor and can color the sound depending on the material. Typical budget and mid-sized 5/6” monitors´ woofers are made of fiberglass or polypropylene that while cooler and more attractive to the eye, are heavier and therefore slow to move. As a result they tend to lack accurate transient response, and the midrange can appear “distant” and undefined.
This is not the ideal environment for proper and accurate mixing.

The iLoud Micro Monitor features a 3” high-rigidity custom composite material woofer which gives it a lighting-fast response that can represent transients and reproduce the midrange with an accuracy that is simply not possible for woofers typically used on budget monitors.


4. Proper crossover and driver alignment

Small budget monitors typically have passive crossovers, weak power amps and low quality drivers, plus resonant and compromised enclosures. Inaccurate crossovers can make the response at the crossover point dramatically skewed both in magnitude and phase. To minimize this problem most budget monitor manufacturers tend to design the crossover with some space in frequency response between the two drivers that can compromise the response on the midrange and create the “midrange dip” you always hear on budget "monitors”. Instead, professional monitors are very accurate with crossovers and a lot of care is always taken to perfectly match the drivers at the crossover points, both in magnitude and phase. The crossover point of a 2-way studio monitor falls exactly in the middle of the spectrum typically where vocals live, and a bad crossover actually makes it impossible to make good decisions when mixing.

iLoud Micro Monitor has an extremely sophisticated crossover design. The two drivers are digitally crossed over at about 3.5 kHz thanks to the exceptional mid-range performance of the woofer, and they are perfectly time-aligned by the DSP. This means that iLoud Micro Monitor sounds like a single, defined “point” in space, just as if it was a single unique sound source instead of two separated speakers. This makes mixing a lot easier because the sonic picture appears true to what it actually is immediately to your ear/brain.


5. Proper power amps

iLoud Micro Monitor is bi-amplified with power amps that are used at 50-60% of the power they could deliver. This means they are always working in full linear range with really negligible distortion up to the physical drivers limit.

Budget and small monitors are typically not bi-amped, meaning that there is only one power amp that powers all components. The crossover is passive and the power amp is normally a low-wattage class A-B integrated design, that delivers limited current, has a limited transient response and tends to distort quite easily because they are always used at 100% of what they can do.
A bi-amped system connects the drivers directly to the power amps delivering an exceptionally tight and damped dynamic response in comparison with budget and comparable small size monitors.


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