Search FAQ / Where do I find my user manual?

Where do I find my user manual?

For all IK Multimedia products, your user manuals will be stored in My Products under Download Resources.

For products which appear in the IK Product Manager, these can be found under the Manuals section after clicking Manage My Products. Once downloaded these will be found in the area set for your downloads in the IK Product Manager settings menu (The Cog Wheel in the upper right hand corner).

All App based user manuals can also be found inside the app in the Menu under the Help section.

Keep in mind, all software downloads are included with your product installers. These can be found in the following locations if you have your software installed.

  • Windows/PC: C:\\Program Files\IK Multimedia\Product Name
  • macOS/Apple: Mac HD -> Library -> Documentation ->IK Multimedia -> Product Name

FAQ ID: 1395



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