How do I extract my downloads? (macOS & Windows)
Can I A/B between different settings in T-RackS 5?
How long am I able to TRY a piece of gear for?
I had set to TRY a piece of gear, but it now shows with a lock icon and its grayed out, why?
I purchased CSR but I am asked to download T-Racks Custom Shop, why is this?
Can you explain some of the MIDI related terminology, such as Control Change (CC), Program Change (PC), Aftertouch, Pitch Wheel, MIDI System Realtime Messages, and MMC (MIDI Machine Control)?
If I upgrade to T-RackS 5 MAX, can I sell/transfer my previous T-RackS plugins/collection?
Are my T-RackS 4.x Singles and Classic, Deluxe, Grand, etc plugins updated in T-RackS 5?
Will the audio quality improve in my T-RackS 4.x models?
Will T-RackS 5 work on 32-bit systems?
Will T-RackS 5 replace my loaded T-RackS 4 or T-RackS 3 plugins in DAW sessions/projects?
Can I host third-party plugins in T-RackS 5 standalone?
Is there a level-matching function/tool in T-RackS 5?
Can T-RackS 5 Standalone export DDP images?
How are pauses handled in T-RackS 5 Standalone?
Why can't I see my presets in GarageBand 10?
T-RackS 5 modules failed AU validation on Logic Pro X with my M1 Mac
How to get your included T-RackS 5 TASCAM Porta One (with select TASCAM products)
Does my free T-RackS TASCAM PortaOne qualify me for upgrade pricing?
How do I try new gear from inside T-RackS 5 CS (FREE)?
What is included free with T-RackS 5 CS and how do I get my copy?
GarageBand won't authorize, but stand-alone does? (RESOLVED)