Reamping is the technique of sending a recorded dry guitar signal back out from a recording environment and through a physical amp and effects rig and recording that processed sound with a mic. You usually need some dedicated hardware to do this.
In this new video, Michael Nielsen of Big Hairy Guitars demonstrates how easy it is to use AXE I/O ONE for reamplification, proving the versatility of IK's affordable audio interface.
I've been using the big AXE I/O for over a year now. I love it. I use it with my laptop and TONEX all the time. This might actually be better for me.
Now that we have the DI recorded, go from the Amp Out into the input of your guitar amp and you can take the microphone into the input and it automatically changes over. Your work is pretty much done!
Visit Michael Nielsen's YouTube channel for more videos on gear for guitar.
AXE I/O ONE is the ultimate compact and affordable 1-in/3-out audio interface designed for musicians who want the best sound possible for recording guitar or bass. It combines IK's patent-pending Z-Tone® impedance control, an Amp Out for Tone Modeling, multiple circuit topologies, Ableton Live Lite, and award-winning AmpliTube and TONEX software for a complete digital studio rig.
