If you don't already have TONEX, the free TONEX CS version is a great way to get started and experience everything yourself. The sound quality and the ability to try new Tone Models are the same as the paid versions, including having full access to all Tone Partner and Signature collections.
In this video, Tone Partner Jason Sadites demonstrates everything from setting up an IK account to discovering the free Tone Models in TONEX CS, exploring ToneNET, and sampling Tone Partner Collections. Have a look.
If we click on the ToneNET button, it connects us to ToneNET. This is where we can search for a particular Tone Model creator.
You'll notice I now have this Tone Model on my list. I could add some of the new reverb we got in the latest update or some delay.
I can reset this preset to the raw Tone Model without noise gate, compression, modulation, delay and reverb. But if I return to my preset, I can always come here and recall that preset exactly as I saved it.
If you just wanted an easy way to enter the TONEX Ecosystem, get your free TONEX CS and purchase what add-ons you want. It's quite a nice way to work.
Visit Jason Sadites on YouTube for more reviews.
TONEX Pedal and TONEX ONE include versions of TONEX that unlock modeling and unlimited ToneNET downloads. Try TONEX CS, then move up when you're ready.