TONEX ONE Joe Satriani comes loaded with 20 presets custom-designed by the artist himself. All presets feature Tone Models from Joe's TONEX Amp Vault collection and the new TONEX FX blocks, which recreate his essential tones in one compact pedal.
In these two videos from Doug Doppler, you'll learn the story behind some of Joe's amps in the collection and the secret to his sound. Then, you'll learn how to use TONEX Editor to create and organize presets quickly. Have a look.
There are certain amps that you use just at the right moment. It's just kind of like having that Ace up your sleeve. You don't always use it but when you need it it's there.
That's what's great about this curated collection. These are amps that Joe has used for decades. Some of them just do that perfect magic.
In this video, we're talking about the brand-new TONEX Editor, and it is awesome. There's been a lot of requests to edit the presets on your devices in real-time and it does that and much more.
This workflow is cool for finding just the right sound to craft the part or having it craft itself based on the sound after sampling different amps and/or cabinets. I love that workflow.
Check out Doug Doppler on YouTube for more guitar tips.
TONEX ONE Joe Satriani is now available at the IK online store and IK dealers worldwide for $/€229.99* each. For a limited time, TONEX Joe Satriani Amp Vault or AmpliTube Joe Satriani owners can receive $/€50 off in the IK online Store.
*Pricing excluding taxes.